Submit to TreeHouse


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TreeHouse welcomes unsolicited submissions of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, visual art, original music/audio, and film. Send all creative submissions to:

All submissions should include a brief cover letter with the title(s) of the work, contact information (name and email), a short author/artist bio, and an author/artist bio picture.

Submissions are accepted year-round. We do accept simultaneous submissions, expecting that the author will notify us should the work be accepted elsewhere. We also accept previously published work; if your submission has been previously published let us know where and when it originally appeared.

Send only original work. If your work quotes or borrows from other work that source must receive credit. All submissions must be made by the creator of a work.

TreeHouse reserves the right to publish all work submitted both on the web site and in any future paper publications. The author of a work retains ownership and is free to have it published elsewhere, provided the other publishers do not require first-time or exclusive rights. All work is copyrighted, property of, and owned by its original author or artist.

Access to TreeHouse website is free of charge. Any profit generated by advertisements either goes toward promoting the site or towards the offline events and publications. We cannot pay for work to be published on the website.

Poetry: Submit no more than three poems at a time of up to 1,000 words. All poems must be typed and submitted in Word format.

Fiction: Stories should be typed and double-spaced with 1’ margins and page numbers. Stories should be no more than 5,000 words and submitted in Word format. If you are submitting flash fiction or creative nonfiction (100-1,000 words), up to three pieces can be sent in one submission.

Nonfiction: Nonfiction should be typed and double-spaced with 1” margins and page numbers. Works should be no more than 5,000 words and submitted in Word format. All works of nonfiction should contain proper APA or MLA formatting when applicable.

Visual Art and Photography: Artwork is accepted in color or black-and-white. Attach each image as a JPEG or PDF file of at least 300 dpi.

Film: Short films are accepted via YouTube and Vimeo links.

Music and Audio Recordings: Audio submissions are accepted in MP3 format of at least 320kps.

Disclaimer: The editors at TreeHouse reserve the right to refuse any submission for any reason we see fit. This may include work that we feel is questionable, may be in violation of any of the above guidelines, or that we have any objection to.

Removal Requests: The TreeHouse website is no different from a print publication and will not entertain any requests for removing work from the site on the basis of the author not liking his or her older work. Removal requests can be made for the following reasons only: plagiarism and copyright issues, such as exclusive rights being sold to another publisher before the piece was submitted to TreeHouse. Proof is required to accompany all removal requests.

6 thoughts on “Submit to TreeHouse

  1. TreeHouse receives the rights to publish all work submitted both on the web site and in any future paper publications.

    Unless I’ve misunderstood, this clause gives you what amounts to lifetime rights to the story, and it limits my rights over my own work, and yet you pay neither a one-time fee nor royalties. A writer desperate to see their work in print might agree to this but I think it’s a bit much. And I’m not desperate. In any case, good luck. Regards GD

    1. Hi GD,

      Thank you for inquiring and asking us to clarify. Yes, you have misunderstood that statement. As with most publications, at TreeHouse if we publish your work the rights to that work revert back to the artist after it has been published. You will always own your own work; it’s yours and we’re not interested in keeping you from using it in any manner you want. As we state in our submissions page: “The author of a work retains ownership…”

      Also, at TreeHouse you are free to submit work that has been previously published. Our intention with this site is to create an artistic community that helps to spread and share the word for all the artists’ works. We are definitely all about getting you the most amount of publicity in as many places as possible.

      The statement “TreeHouse receives the rights to publish all work submitted both on the web site and in any future paper publications” simply means that if you submit to us and we like it, we have the right to publish it on our site. It also means that in the event TreeHouse decides to do a special print edition featuring our favorite submissions, we have the right to publish the piece you submitted there too. However, TreeHouse does not currently publish print editions.

      However, if that statement can be misconstrued by you it is possible that others have understood incorrectly as well, which means we might want to consider rewording it for clarification.

      I hope that helps, thank you.

      The TreeHouse Editors

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